Sponsor IDEA

IDEA is a free research website, and starting in 2019 we are proudly welcoming a limited number of topic-appropriate sponsors.

As the most reputable and heavily trafficked website of its kind on the internet (with roughly 3 million hits each year), IDEA is the perfect place to promote your organization or product. And because we accept only sponsors from the world of education, research, linguistics, dialects and accents, and the performing arts, you can rest assured that our visitors will be happy to see you!

For more information on sponsoring IDEA — including our rates, graphic specs, and traffic information — click here to view or download our informational PDF.

To learn about other ways of helping IDEA, visit our Support IDEA page. Thank you in advance for your support of and interest in IDEA.

Best regards,

Paul Meier
IDEA Founder and Director


iStock image courtesy of ibrahimaslann


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