Shakespeare’s Words

We’re proud to welcome David and Ben Crystal’s Shakespeare’s Words as a new sponsor of IDEA. David is a world-renowned linguist, Shakespeare scholar, and long-time friend of IDEA, and Ben is a theatre actor, director, producer, and writer on Shakespeare. So we’re honored to include their website — which is devoted to the exploration of the works of William Shakespeare — as one of our limited number of sponsors.

Ben and David Crystal

Even better, David and Ben are offering a 20% discount on subscriptions to those who access the site directly from the promotional graphic that you see here on IDEA (on the rotating promotional widget on the right side of each page). While the first 20 page views of Shakespeare’s Words are free, a ticket is required for further use. For more information on those tickets, including pricing, click here. Thanks, David and Ben!

To listen to David’s appearance on Paul’s In a Manner of Speaking podcast from June 2018, click here. And if you too would like to become a sponsor of IDEA, please visit our sponsorship  page.


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