Thank you, VASTA!

The annual conference for the Voice and Speech Trainers Association (VASTA) is underway in Orlando, Florida, and more than a dozen IDEA editors are there. In addition to attending all the informative lectures and workshops, our editors enjoyed lunch together on Monday. Because our editors are spread across the world, many had never met before, so the VASTA conference served as a great team-building and networking experience.

Below you will find photos of that team-building lunch. A couple of our IDEA editors who were at the VASTA conference were unable to join us for lunch (sorry we missed you!), but we were happy to be able to connect with them at other times throughout the conference.

You will also see a photo of IDEA Executive Editor Cameron Meier accepting a special award on behalf of his dad, IDEA Founder and Director Paul Meier. That award, for Lifetime Distinguished Member, was presented to Paul from VASTA President Michael Barnes (pictured with Cameron) and the VASTA board of directors. Paul was unable to attend in person, so Cameron accepted the award and then introduced Paul, who appeared in a prerecorded thank-you video. (See that video at the bottom of this page.)

Thanks again, VASTA! And safe travels to all our IDEA editors on your journeys home.

For more on the conference, which concludes tomorrow, visit


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