New Vietnamese, Mexican-American subjects join IDEA

Thanks to a couple of new IDEA contributors, we have two new subjects. The first, Vietnam 5, is a 53-year-old woman, while the second, California 14, is a 41-year-old woman with familial ties to Jalisco, Mexico.

2 Comments on “New Vietnamese, Mexican-American subjects join IDEA

  1. Would like to know how to go about using your information service.
    As a member of SAPS (Sarasota Area Playwrights Society) we are reading play taking place in South Vietnam during the war, and appreciate your help. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for your message, Cece. We’re not really an information service. We’re a free website. So feel free to use the site however you’d like. You will find the Vietnamese dialects here: Just click on the subject you want, and then click the play button on the sound bar to listen to it. Best of luck with your play. If you need more dialect help, you might check out this page:

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